Our Philosophy - Developing World Class Leaders
We believe children learn best when it is perceived as fun. Emphasis is placed on joyful learning approaches that BUILD a child's self-esteem. The focus should be on individual learning styles: on how rather than what students learn and on giving tools to help them realize their potential.
A lifetime of success starts here.
Kindergarten through Grade 6
- Homework Assistance
- Super Field Trips on Early Dismissal Days!
- Special Events
- Sports Clinic (Volleyball, Tennis, Basketball, Football, etc.)
- Selective Holiday Day Camps
- Friday Various Clubs and Activities- Arts & Crafts, Chess, Charm & Modeling, Gymnastics/ Rock
Climbing & much more! - Dinner/ Snack
A state licensed non-profit corporation
The NIA After School Program
Homework Assistance, Snacks, Sports, Social Engagement, Games, Enrichment Activities!
Serious fun and adventure awaits your child in our after school program. Each week your child explores something new at NIA. Exciting curriculum projects, special events. The activities we offer help promote Health, Physical Activities and Cognitive Reasoning through both active indoor and outdoor game activities.
Interest Clubs throughout the school year give children a chance to participate in small group related to personal interests and explore new activities and hobbies such as builders and designers club, drama, music, dance, chess, martial arts, boxing, poetry, knitting, crocheting, journal club and much more.
Adopt a grandparent program. It gives the child the opportunity to build special relationships with local senior citizens through regularly scheduled events and activities.
Summer Enrichment Camp
Our program goal is to accommodate our parents by providing a quality summer camp program that will challenge children mentally as well as physically, including academic enrichment, cultural programs and a serious fun campaign.
Read more about our Summer Enrichment Camp
Out of School Time Program
Holiday Camp Program- Field Trip, In- Service Projects, Stem Academic Enrichment Experience
Virtual Programs
Online Resources, Family Activities, Around Town Activity, Craft Ideas and At Home Stem Projects, Mindfulness and Yoga for Kids via Zoom for the family. Read more about our Virtual Programming