We Value A Teaching Environment
- that is comfortable and nurturing
- that is a challenging environment
- where there is enthusiasm and the joy of learning.
We Value a Process of Education That Provides:
- Applied learning methods, i.e, Children can take their classwork home and share it freely with their families
- Teacher and self-directed learning activities
- The ability to think critically
- Developmentally age-appropriate learning activities and equipment
- A balance between independent creativity and structured learning activities.
We Value a Curriculum That Includes:
- An understanding and application of individualized approaches to learning
- The opportunity to maximize each child’s potential
- Working and learning independently as well as in groups
- Educational material and supplies that are meaningful to children
- Flexibility of approach, resources, program scheduling and content to meet the individual needs
of the children
- Exposure to the creative and performing arts to encourage children to realize their talents at an
early age
- Preparation for future career goals
We Value Parents And Staff Who Work In Unity To Support:
- An open communication between home and school
- A partnership in learning
- The philosophy that education is ongoing for both children and adults